Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Forces In Motion

Can we drop cookies off a table into milk by making a Rube Goldberg

Yes, we can use all of Newton’s Laws to make our Rube Goldberg

Experimental Design:
Materials: Wheel and axel, dominoes, pulley, milk, 2 cookies, incline plane.
CV: Same person pulling lever
IV: Route of dominoes
DV: We will see if we can put a cookie in milk by using a Rube Goldberg

Simple machines:
- Screw
- Wedge
- Incline plane
- Wheel and axel
- Pulley
- Lever

Proficiency 1:
I met my 1st proficiency by my experiment demonstrating all of the Newton laws. The 1st law is things at rest stay at rest, unless acted upon by an outside force. The wedge is an example of the law because it does not move until it is knocked aside by the marble. Newtons 2nd law of motion is things in motion stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. The wheel and axel hits the domino and it stops instantly. The 3rd law of motion is for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.

Proficiency 2:
When a marble goes up an incline plane it shows gravity. Friction and gravity apply to the laws of motion because they are staying still until gravity takes hold and then they are moving until an object makes it stop.

Proficiency 3:
My Rube Goldberg is demonstrating how to put a cookie in milk.

Proficiency 4:
In my Rube Goldberg Tommy pulls the lever which pulls the wedge, which is held up by 4 screws and the wheel and axel goes down the incline plane and then it hits the dominoes and falls and hits the big dominoe and it falls and pulls the little dominoe witch hits another domino and hits a cookie and hits it in milk.

Proficiency 5:
Natural resources that we use today can run out. It is necessary for us to find alternate forms of energy that won't run out. The sun for example is a natural resource that wouldn't run out. If we can figure out ways to run our world off of solar power from the sun, that would be more useful down the road and we wouldn't need to depend on other parts of the world to help us.

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