Thursday, December 16, 2010


I can analyze galaxies and the differences between galaxies. I will compare the Milky Way Galaxy to other types of galaxies.

Proficiency 1:

The Milky Way is a Galaxy that we live in. It has an arm that has a black hole in it and the blask hole will spagettify you and you will be streched out like spaghetti. Another galexy is The Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy it is the closest to the Milky Way and it is 25,000 lightyears away. We can just barely see it from a high powered telescope. The Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy is said to have at least 1 billion stars in all. The galaxy was first discovered in November 2003 by an international team of French, Italian, British and Australian astronomers. We have known aboun the Milk Way for thousands of years but we did not know that it was our galaxy until about the 1920's. There are 100 - 400 billon stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

I can identify key technological advancements that helped in making our knowledge of space expand. My research will show the past, but I will also predict what future advancements may stretch our limits even more.

Proficiency 2:

In 1957 the Sputnik 1 was 1st launched and was sucessful. This started the Space Age. In 1969 Neil Armstrong was the 1st man to walk on the moon. In 1976 was the 1st spaceship to land on the planet Mars. In 1986 the spaceshuttle Challenger explodes. In Febuary 1, 2003 The spaceshuttle Colombia explodes. We learned a lot from all these events. With the cooperation of the International Space Station, we will learn so much more.

Another technological advance was te use of low frequency radio that allowed astronomers to detect possible planets in other solar systems. One of the best examples of low frequency radio astronomy has been images of the Milky Way Galaxy center. In the future

Finally with the Ansari X Prize, private individuals or companies can compete to build a vehicle that will go to space. With that option open, NASA will have to step up their game to compete and astronomers will have more options open to them.

I can research the history of constellations. My research will delve into the stories and the myths associated with each constellation. I will create my own constellation either changing the story of a real constellation or creating one on my own.

Proficiency 3:

The Constellation "Quick Nick" was discovered March 4, 1997 by Greek god Scott Roehl while gazing into the winter sky with his Meade LX200 Telescope. While studying a particular asterisms otherwise known a constellation he saw a star zipping around 3 other stars. He immediately named this constellation Quick Nick after his star student Quick Nick Martinson. This grouping of stars can only be seen in March at 11:02 PM and will last for 13 min. before it fades into the night sky of Pewaukee WI.

I can analyze the origins of our solar system. Starting with the sun, my research will emphasize how our solar system formed, the differences between inner planets and outer planets, and analyze the future of our sun and the solar system.

Proficiency 4:

We can observe these clouds today in other regions of the galaxy — they are called Bok globules. Because they are relatively dense dust clouds, Bok globules block out light from objects within and behind them, being a subcategory of dark nebulae. This makes it impossible to directly observe the formation of new stars, although the simulations of astrophysicists give us a good idea of how it works.

I can effectively explain the different theories of the universe. I will discuss theories starting from Ancient Greece through the theories discussed in present day. I will analyze all theories and make a judgment based on my research on which is most valued.

Proficiency 5

What I found is that the early Greeks were the first to propose that space has spheres and that they work with the sun, moon stars and planets except they thought Earth was still. Then around 1920 Georges Lemaitre proposed the universe was expanding from an explosive event based on some theories Einstein gave. Lots of scientists following him gave scientific proof of the big bang theory. This states that the universe was a created from the cause of a massive collision or bang in space. Some examples of proof were the mass of gasses that were discovered, the temperature of these gasses and different elements discovered. In 1924 Edwin Hubble discovered a way to measure distance of galaxies. In 1964 evidence of a “hot beginning” had been found in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR). Alan Guth stated an inflation theory that supported the big bang. He says the universe expanded very quickly and increased in size. There are also those that believe God, the Creator made the universe.
The question of what the shape of the universe is seems to have been a hot topic throughout time. Some thought flat, others closed, and some thought a circle that might eventually collapse. What is interesting is that it seems most scientists are working at proving the big bang theory.
I belive that godmade the solar system was made by god.

I can analyze the differences between comets, asteroids, meteors and moons. I will research orbits and discuss differences of what we see from the Earth’s surface (phases). I will analyze the effect the moon’s orbit has on our planet. I will predict what would happen if Earth ha
d a 2nd moon or the distance to the moon was increased or decreased.

Proficiency 6

The difference between comets, asteroids, meteors and moons are comets are objects composed mostly of ice and dust and orbit the sun. Asteroids also orbit the sun but are rocky. Moons are natural objects that orbit a planet. Meteors are objects in all different sizes in the solar system that enter that earth's atmosphere.

We see different phases of the moon because of the amount of light from the sun and where the earth is positioned. On earth we are moving on rotating platform. The moon takes 27.3217 days to go around the earth. The earth takes a year to go around the sun. The moons orbit affects our planet because of the gravitational pull between the moon and the sun. It stabilizes earth's rotation and is what causes the tides in the ocean and our seasons.

A second moon would be brighter nights if they were up at the same time. I think it would affect the oceans too, probably more tides. If the moon was closer or farther it would create higher tides.

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