Tuesday, October 05, 2010

"The Story of an Hour" responce

Imagine leading your life with no decisions being made on your own, living with a man who probably intimidates you to get what he wants, never having the freedom to do what you want and feeling trapped.  Likewise, in Kate Chopin's "the Story of an Hour", Mrs. Mallard is living in that kind of a prison.  She gets out of the prison for an hour but her freedom is taken away.   

When news of her husband's death is delivered to her, she cries but then realizes she is free.  When we're brought to the comfy chair and open window, it shows us that Mrs. Mallard is realizing she can start to live life on her own terms.  The open window represents her freedom.  The springtime outside represents her new life now that her husbend died. 

When the author states:  "There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air," that couple sentences really summarize the whole story.   Mrs. Mallard is delivered bad news yet she goes to her room to mourn in private and starts feeling something exciting.  She finally felt free.   

 In the end when Mrs. Mallard dies, it's both sad and unrealistic.  It's sad because she can't ever enjoy her newfound freedom and it's unrealistic because she isn't going to just drop dead of realizing she can't enjoy her freedom.   This story was filled with different twists and turns considering how short it was. 

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