Monday, September 27, 2010

Nick Martinson

Earnest Hemingway

I would want to be friends with Earnest Hemingway because it would be a challenge for me. Throughout Hemingway's life he has been lonely and have not had any friends.

In Hemingway's background he is rich but he does not spend his money well instead of saving his money he decides to go to the bar and get drunk. Hemingway got married 4 times and had a total of 3 children. He was a Nobel prize winner . Hemingway also was an author and a journalist. He died at age 61.

I would have liked to get to know Earnest Hemingway because of the lonely life he led. I would have liked the challenge of trying to make him my friend and improving the quality of his life. If he had more friends, he probably would not have taken his own life.


  1. I liked how you changed it up by saying why you would be friends with him but I would have made it more detailed.

  2. Nick,
    This piece is not really about "A Well-Lighted Place" it is about Ernest Hemmingway. also, this is more of a biography than an essay.
