Friday, January 07, 2011

Hatchet Anaylasis

Imagine being stranded in the woods with bears, insects and who knows what else surrounding you. Brian had to overcome several conflicts throughout the story Hatchet and becomes a stronger person by the end of the book.

One of the obstacles Brian faced was heat to stay warm in the cold Canadian weather and to cook with. Brian started a fire by using a flare gun and I think that he was smart to do that because I would not have thought of doing that.

Brian needed food and water also to survive so he gets the water from the "L" shaped lake and he got the food from deer and anything else he could find. Brian was willing to eat anything that he could find from bugs to deer. Survival skills are critical when you are in a position of trying to stay alive while waiting to be rescued.

Brian used a flare gun when a plane flew by, a shot saved his life. When the plane saw the flare they realized that someone was in distress and sent help.

I am impressed by Brian's survival skills because I would have never thought to use a flare gun to start a fire or to make a spear to kill fish or use a hatchet to help make his shelter. I liked this book because I got into it and it was hard to stop reading.

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